Friday, January 5, 2018

Fools' Canzone

we are fools
for thinking we can live
new day, new page, new stanza — fools
you’re a fool, I’m a fool, both fools
at our age to want
ship of, game of, gown & cap of fools
pendejo, she says, what fools
to think someone might listen to
your remnant self, listen to
someone who fools
themself by making every new day a new song
poesis, ποίησις, making song

word machine singing a song
oh merry band of fools
whistle the hemi semi demi quavers of our song
hum & dance the color of morning song
as long as we both shall live
bluebird song
purple martin song
no matter how much we want
thou shalt not want
as long as we dance & sing our song
tip an ear, bend a knee to listen to
rain on light, oh bard, listen to

stirrings of beasts at night, listen to
dusk for owl’s sacred song
when sleep won’t come listen to
sacred om listened to
by sager fools
than I — Chinese poets listened to
jars of wine down to the lees, listened to
rivers & stars to learn to live
without the means to live
to make words we still listen to
about want
how what we want

surpasses even what gods who have everything want
sounds of the earth they listen to
pedestrian commotion they want
mortal creatures they want
to touch, to taste, to transform into song
chaste laurel Apollo wants
gadfly-pestered heifer Zeus wants
idle shepherds chortle & fart at such fools
for love, fools
pursuing what they think they want
this morning’s gold dawn is where I live
bacon, fresh egg from a live

chicken, bushes alive
with small brown birds that want
merely a few seeds to live
can mere words suffice for the rest of my life to live
by? listening to
the child who sings to live
listening to her sing the days she lives
whatever fills her head is song
not carrying a tune makes no difference to her song
the middle of her singing is where I live
no fools
like old fools

machinations of blind listening fools
we write our poems to live
the only way we want
every morning wake to listen to
new song

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