Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Is a Bed

Inflated into parallel tubes, a rubber float, pillow prop, body prop, lacks propellors.

Beneath beside a window, middle of the night an arm reaches up to pull cords to raise the shade, elbows prop to raise the body to pane of sky, vapor moon.

After the long sleep the long lying awake in a dream, not in a dream state, lying in bed is sleep whether you sleep or wake, outside the bed the room the house the night world.

A rectangle periodically dressed, pills & lint, crumbs & shells, authorized & accidental — both spontaneous — emissions influence the periodicity of fresh dressing.

Mornings the open window remains open, sparks recollection, draws the eye out the window non-solar orb into the non-night the light of repeat day repeat cherry tree repeat robin under broken clouds the day gray.

Comforting space onto which the body is thrown on which the body reclines, whiles away, the bed disappears as a value, recurs later as a bay.

Enveloping arms, a lap, cradleboard, bosom of a wave, sand hollow, inner curve of a hip, a bow.

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